Monday 1 November 2010

Plan 9 - Comics GALORE

I had time to kill before attending a course on Saturday so had a look around Rosemount viaduct/Skene street area. Intially I was looking for Yatai just so I could check where it was for next time one of our friends is up.

But as I wandered I noticed a bright yellow frontage in amongst the charity shops...Plan 9. So on Sunday I dragged my fiancée out for a rummage.

So many comics and graphic novels to catch up on! Fables, Jack of Fables, Sandman, New covers for Transmetropolitan, Lucifer, Gears of War.....just to name a few. I need to have a hunt in storage for what I've got so far in Fables and Sandman...But there are SO many that I want to get into....ARGH!

In other news my fiancée's health is still an issue however he's started product reviews on his own blog (I even do some too - for the "girly products" as he puts them) Which you can read here! Check out the reviews and the products all come from the website shown below.

Eco yourself clean!

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