Sunday 16 May 2010

Geek alert

Finally I found it - ASYLUM!

I discovered Forbidden Planet a while back - but it has a Huge to let sign above the door....

However I've never found my replacement for Static/A1 Comics in Glasgow, until yesterday.

Was away down Union Street to get my fiancee a bus ticket. Stopped outside to sort out his sunglasses and noticed a sign (seen it before never paid much attenetion to it).

So anyway down adelphi there isn't just some nice pubs, clubs and resturants but a comic book store....YAY!

Went in and there was a signing going on - some young up and coming artist. Stuff was nice but he's went from doing spiderman to dr who.....

Anyway once more moneys coming in I can get caught up with graphic novels etc.

Sunday 9 May 2010

Sad news and a long walk

Monday before last my mum called to tell me my great gran had died. She was 103 and had been in in a care home from at least the last 10 years. So I told very few people, just my fiancee and my close workmates.

On Tuesday night we went for a long walk. We were out about 2 and a half hours. Must have walked a good 4 or 5 miles. We walked out to the Grammar School rugby grounds, past several posh restaurants (Malmasion), hotels (Simpson's) and then turned up onto Anderson Drive, until we got toKings Way. We went all the way down to the BBC buildings, once we got to Rosemount Place we were on familiar streets and headed home.

Anyway it helped and have new areas that we need to explore properly. With camera and my wits about me.

Sunday 2 May 2010

International Market

I haven't posted for a while. Work has been busy, and I've been a little under the weather of late.

Any way went for a wander today and stumbled upon an international market on Union Terrace.

It was getting quiet as it was about half four but we had a good wander and bought some bits and pieces from the vendors.

Picked up some lovely fennel and tomatoes for a fiver and also some posh french sausage - can't remember the term but we picked up some chirzo and some garlic ones. Very Strong but nice.